Hello, my name is
Nicholas Buxton
I write about religion, culture and contemplative spirituality.
I am also a priest in the Church of England, and currently the Director of St Antony’s Priory, a Christian spirituality centre in Durham.
On this website you can find out more about some of my books.
I am also on Substack, where I publish articles about religion and culture. Please consider subscribing to my mailing list, via the sign up form opposite.
They say everyone’s got a book inside them. I reckon I’ve got between five and seven, which I hope to complete before AI makes all creative endeavour, if not humanity itself, redundant. Three have already been published (though I’d like to bring out revised editions) and there are a couple more in the pipeline. I also write shorter pieces, which I now publish via Substack.
Christian Writings
Two books published so far, about monastic spirituality and Christian meditation. A third planned about Christianity as a spiritual path.
Meditation has been an important part of my life for over 30 years. This is the story of Just Meditation and the Newcastle Meditation Centre.
Religion and Culture
That's what I write about. Short pieces on Substack at Talking to the Shadows, and a book about religion, society and truth, which I hope will be ready soon.

Making Sense out of Nonsense: Religion, Society and Truth (forthcoming).
A Tale of Two Gardens: Following the Way of Christ (forthcoming).
Just Meditation: everyday meditation for everyone, Durham: Magic Monastery, 2020.
The Wilderness Within: Meditation and Modern Life, London: Canterbury Press, 2014.
Tantalus and the Pelican: Exploring Monastic Spirituality Today, London: Continuum Books, 2009.
Audio Books
The Wisdom of the Desert, Wise Studies, 2018.
Articles and Chapters
Prayer for the Day Vol II: 365 Inspiring Daily Reflections (contributor), London: Watkins Publishing, 2016.
Prayer for the Day Vol I: 365 Inspiring Daily Reflections (contributor), London: Watkins Publishing, 2014.
‘Why should people go to church?’ in Noake, R. and Buxton, N. (Eds), Religion, Society and God: The Role of Faith in Contemporary Britain, London: SCM Press, 2013.
‘Creating the Sacred: Artist as Priest, Priest as Artist’ in Arya, R. (Ed.), Contemplations of the Spiritual in Art, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2013.
Review of Laura Belém and Shaeron Caton-Rose, Art and Christianity 71 (2012): 9-10.
Review of Air and Aether, Liverpool Cathedral, Art and Christianity 65 (2011): 15.
‘Not Exactly a Selling Point: Religion and Reality TV’ in Thomas, L. (Ed.), Religion, Consumerism and Sustainability: Paradise Lost? London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
‘Seeing the Self as Other: Televising Religious Experience’ in Deacy, C. and Arweck, E. (Eds), Exploring Religion and the Sacred in a Media Age, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009.
‘Stability’ in Holdaway, G. (Ed.), The Oblate Life: A Handbook for Spiritual Formation, Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2008.
‘The Crow and the Coconut: Accident, coincidence, and causation in the Yogavasistha.’ Philosophy East & West 56 (2006): 393-409.
Review of G. Fields, ‘Religious Therapeutics: Body and Health in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra’ (New York 2001) Mental Health, Religion & Culture 6 (2003): 103-105.
‘Is Jung’s view of God a non-realist one?’ Filozofija 2 (2002): 71-82.